Numerical Modeling

Coastal projects are affected by wind, waves, tides, and sediment transport. As part of detailed studies AquaTerra routinely utilizes numerical models to optimize projects designs and help mitigate potential environmental impacts. The Principal of the company has over 12 years experience in both developing and applying advance numerical models in coastal and estuarine environments. The technical and applied background provides the foundation for understanding when more detailed studies are warranted as well as any limitation of the applied models. When applied correctly, numerical models provide a high level of accuracy and the opportunity to test different designs and scenarios efficiently.

Typical Numerical Modeling Services Include:

  • Extreme Storm Hazard Estimation (Wind, Waves & Storm Surge)

  • Hydrodynamic

  • Marina & Port Wave Agitation

  • Offshore and Nearshore Waves

  • River Hydraulics

  • Sediment Transport & Morphology

  • Water Quality & Flushing Analysis

  • Marina Circulation & Flushing

  • Beach, Dune and Nearshore Morphological Processes

  • Coastal Structures and Shore Protection Designs

  • Ship Navigation Simulations

Coastal and Waterfront Planning, Engineering & Design